Wednesday, June 3, 2009

::Love is in the Air::

I was twitting yesterday:

MabelKwan says "WTH is wrong with you?!???! Don't you feel tired and drained out for being anal throughout the whole day? More like EVERYDAY?"

pamelaknaggs says "couldnt resist a CM this morning.. yummmmmm.. note to self: NO starbucks tomorrow!"

MabelKwan says "@pamelaknaggs God!!! *inhale exhale* Okay.. I think I need caramel macchiato to calm me down... breathe!!!"

pamelaknaggs says "@MabelKwan aiyohhh.. anger nie... dun angry, dun angry... i go BOX the fella for u ok!!! BOX until he gong gong. muahahaha"

mtee7 says "@MabelKwan Whoa! So much anger. Chill chill. I belanja u ice cold mah chau teh!"

MabelKwan says "@pamelaknaggs CMI!!!!!! ugh.. seriously... why is it so difficult? Gawd... really something up his ass man.. argh... thanks woman."

Make a long story short.... Had a rough morning because of some moron. He was so rude!! I was like.. "What the hell is your problem?" seriously.. Is it so difficult to speak nicely? Is it a MUST to speak in that intonation? Geez.. It's as if somebody shafted something up his ass. Gawd... I've been tolerating this like more than a few months. Argh!!! Yeah, I was venting off in the morning and to my surprise my dear friend, Pam, She's so sweet!!! She delivered my favourite (more like our favourite) flowers to my office and my favourite caramel macchiato!! You really lifted my mood instantaneously. You're a sweetheart baby!! Wanted to thank you & TB for being there and for taking the time to care. Thanks TB for being the messenger... hehehee... Love you both.

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" A true friend is always there when the whole world left you, she always cheers you up when the whole world has turned you down and she never asks you to act like an angel but she becomes your angel."

The quote says it all.. Have a Fantastic Day Darling!
