Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time to Give!!!

What a day!!!! Had a really good sleep and everything just seems right. *Mmmm...* Never felt so good in a long while..


Did you know that giving to others not only makes you happy, but healthy as well?

It not only affects your mental well-being but also your physical health. When you’re giving you don’t have much time to stress out, being angry, jealous, envy or any negative emotions. You feel a greater sense of happiness by helping others and caring. Personally, I strongly believe that ‘What goes around, comes around.. It’s good karma that you’re creating! It’s like ‘If you give, you do not loose but gain something, whether it is mutual gains or personal satisfaction.

The sad part to this is people judge and start suspecting your notions.. “What’s behind all this?” or “Cant she mind her own business?” or “I just need to be alone”. Well, a few things that we can all do to help others without intruding or interfering:

Respect others. Do not judge others, there’s a saying ‘Do not judge a book by its cover’ BUT enjoy differences. When you’re talking to someone, try to understand them rather trying to be understood.

Show gratitude and appreciation to others that help you. All you ‘do-it-yourself and know-it-better people’ out there, do not be embarrassed when somebody helps you, but appreciate what do (or try to do) for you.

Learn how to forgive. The hardest part of forgiving is not understanding forgiveness.Forgiveness is not about accepting one’s behaviour, or forgetting an issue. Forgiveness is all about YOU. Learn how to let go of your pain and control your own life.

Be loyal to friends and partners. Nobody is perfect and it is impossible to find a friend or partner that meets all criteria that you have set. Feel so blessed to have you all: Pam, Mel, Sandy, Sara, Aileen, Bas, JBoy, Will, Ben and my beloved sisters!

Do not set very high expectations of others. Do not let other people’s problems stand in the way of your friendship. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Stimulate others to get the best out of themselves, or let them benefit your mistakes!